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Wall system and solutions

To build a high-performance wall it is not only necessary to carefully choose the elements for the exposed walls (such as bricks, tavellas, brick slips, handmade elements and ventilated facades), but also to combine a careful selection of functional accessories. SanMarco has studied different types of terracotta masonry with differentiated stratigraphies according to the requirements, to better respond to the different needs of the market, respecting the regulatory standards in force.
These solutions combine two construction types. The first consists of double-wall technology that combines effectiveness, aesthetics and durability. Behind the exposed terracotta cladding, an interspace is created to allow the wall block to “breathe”. The load-bearing wall, coated with thermal insulation, completes the sequence of the stratigraphy. The effectiveness of the structure is optimised by a series of functional fastening accessories, so as to improve the robustness of the structure and encourage micro-ventilation. The second type involves a thin brick cladding bonded to the insulating layer.
In both cases, the SanMarco Wall solution behave like a veritable “skin” that encases the building, ensuring everyday comfort throughout all seasons.

The Systems

The Systems are highly technological products that resolve problems or respond to particular needs whilst ensuring great effectiveness in the structural, aesthetic and thermal aspects.

The Systems can be tailored through the entire range of SanMarco products and accessories.

The Solutions

The Solutions, rather, are commercial offerings structured in pre-constituted packages, deriving from the assembly of certain products from the SanMarco range.

Each Solution bears different guaranteed and tested benefits and adapts to any client need.

Wall systems


Wall Solutions
